Tuesday, September 15, 2009


One gadget that can be found everywhere is the television. Nowadays, it isn’t only something to have fun. It has become necessary not only for adults, but also for teenagers. There are all kinds of TV: big, small, slim. Every kind is really advanced. However, like anything, TV has good and bad points. One polemic point is that some people say that since the invention of the television, culture has become united.

This gadget used to be used by adults to watch the news and to watch cartoons and things like that by teenagers and children. Nevertheless, everybody needs to know the news nowadays, not only because we need to have critical sense but crucially because of the college entrance exam. Moreover, when we watch TV, we can relax and learn at the same time.

The worst problem of the television is that it can manipulate public opinion without the person even realizing it. This means that the TV doesn’t show all the facts. In this subject, newspapers and magazines are more complete. So in this sense, we need to complement our knowledge with other media, because the television isn’t enough.

I love to watch TV and I think it is a fun information source. Also, I believe that the television has publicized cultures, making people know more about other countries. In addition, learning about other cultures is very positive because this way we realize that we have to respect other cultures and to value ours.


  1. Wow! That's a great article! I really agree with you when you say that TV is useful to learn about other cultures; there are amazing TV programmes about other places that are so interesting to watch!
    Best regards from Barcelona, Spain. ;-)

  2. Hello I'm Simon and I'm from Slovenia.
    I read the post about television and I am really amazed.
    It's very interesting how much you can learn by watching television,
    but I agree that you must learn from other media too,
    because you don't learn everything by watching television.
    My favorite thing about television is that you can see other places and see all
    sorts of people just by seating on your sofa.

  3. Hy, Thais!
    I like your way of thinking, because you can see good and also bad sides of a thing. I don't watch television very much, because I don't like constantly being bombed with commercial stuff that I don't want to see. The quicker way to get information you want is the internet. There you click whatever you want to, while on TV you don't have that much freedom. My opinion is that the best times of television are over.
    Greetings from Nova Gorica, Slovenia :)

  4. I'm uros from Slovenia.
    I agree that television is important these days.
    TV is also important to learn other languages (English, German, Italian.....)
    But don't look too much TV it's not good for the eyes.

    bye bye
